Our Products
Water Purifier
A vide range of water purification unit with production capacity from 25 LPH to 2000 LPH or more, customized as per the raw water quality profile. Multi stage treatment to deliver treated water quality as per Indian Standards IS 10500:2012 and WHO guidelines. Option for Hot / Cold / Normal water dispensing systems. Water quality monitoring with indicative parameters.
Various purification technology : The choice of technology is function of raw water quality profile, which can be broadly classified as RO, UV, UF, CDI, Softener based technologies in combination with various pre and post filtration units.

- Reverse Osmosis (RO): Reverse osmosis is a membrane treatment process primarily used to separate dissolved solids from water. RO membranes reduces the TDS of water significantly and also effective for removing microbial contamination from the raw water. The technology is suitable for sources having high TDS in water.
- Ultrafiltration (UF): UF is also a membrane treatment process, effective for removal of solutesof high molecular weight. Ultrafiltration can be used for the removal of particulates, macromolecules and bacterial from raw water to produce potable water. This treatment method is suggested for low TDS water.
- Ultra violet (UV Lamp):Ultra violet lamps are used for elimination of the risks associated with microbial contamination. UV lamps in the treated water storage tanks also helps in preventing regrowth of bacterias.
- Capacitive Deionization (CDI): Removes dissolved contaminants in water by applying an electrical potential difference over two electrodes, which are often made of porous carbon, and the technology is effective up-to 1500 TDS.
- Softener: Water Softeners works on the principle of ion exchange. They effectively removes the di-valent cations (Mainly calcium and magnesium) which causes hardness in water. Our controller based softening units automatically recharges the resin/media at required/set intervals for its optimum performance.
Water Dispensers
Smart units for dispensing of treated water of Hot/ cold / normal temperature, designed as per the client’s requirement. Option for controlled dispensing with cards/coins/QR Code

Water ATM
Water ATM units are gaining considerable popularity in India, due to their multifold advantages. Water ATM units consists of purification system, treated water storage, chiller/heating system/s and controlled systems for dispensing with pre-recharges RFID cards (similar to metro cards), coins or QR code. These units provide clean and safe water at public places at unheard price points and thus makes the clean water accessible to everyone.
Apart from providing relief to large public and passerby by quenching their thrust with clean and refreshing water, these units also provide business opportunity and local employment. The online dashboard and mobile applications provide the access for realtime water sales data to the operator for close monitoring of unit’s performance.
Units can be configured for different quantity of water from 200 mL to 20 L. with normal / hot / cold water dispensing option. Price points can be programmed according to owner/user.

Other innovative products
At Akshay Swachh Jal, we continuously work towards improvement in our products in terms of quality and technology. We aspire to bring the Research and Development based technologies either developed in house or with collaboration with premium research institutes in order to provide sustainable solutions for various persisting issues.
Arsenic removal technology
- In our R&D ventures we have joined hands with Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay to license the patented technology for Arsenic, Iron and Phosphate Removal from Ground Water.
- Arsenic contamination in ground water is affecting people in many parts of the world. Arsenic poisoning cases from contaminated drinking water have been observed in several Indian states, namely, Assam, Bihar, Jharkhand, Manipur, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal. The various health effects due to arsenic poisoning includes gastrointestinal problems, cardio vascular diseases, skin pigmentation and even cancer.
- IITB’s arsenic removal technology is the most appropriate and cost effective solution for this problem. It is a recommended technology by Dr. Mashelkar Committee (Water), mentioned on website of Jalshakti – Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation, GoI.
Fluoride removal technology
- We have joined hands with the Tezpur University Assam and licensed the patented technology “F Nilogon” for fluoride removal from ground water.
- Fluorosis is the most common problem caused by ingestion of fluoride containing water. Mottling of teeth, brittlement of bones and neurological damages can happen in fluorosis. People are forced to live sub optimal life due to deteriorating health without any feasible solution, which is leading to poor economic conditions and disturbed societal structures.
- F Nilogon is a simple yet very effective technology for fluoride removal which mimics the natural fluoride removal process which occurs in body. The use of this technology is benefiting thousands of people in North-East states of India and we are trying to spread its reach pan India.

EzyLube – Lubricant Vending Unit
- EzyLube is an inhouse developed innovative product (Patent filed) for automated vending of lubricant/s, without human intervention for the regular operations.
- Automotive & Industrial Lubricants are currently sold in the market using Preformed PET / Blow Molding bottles and containers. 14% of all sales account for 1 L or less pack size over the counter sales.
- Ifield has developed a Unique dispensing machine that will automatically dispense Lube for any quantity directly from Bulk containers, thereby reducing the packaging costs and the environmental damage caused by plastic waste. This IOT based unit also provides online monitoring of sales details from each unit.
- The system is validated Regional Reference Standard Laboratory and approved by Legal Metrology Department, Govt. of India.